Financial hardship is a short-term circumstance, where you have the intention and willingness to pay, but not the capacity. It is often unexpected, and many people will experience financial hardship at some point in their lives.
The first step is to complete a hardship assessment form here.
Our hardship officers will then assess your unique circumstances, and see what options are available to you. We may be able to help you repay your debt by agreeing to vary your contract (for example, changing the amount or the timing your repayments.
The sooner you contact us, the easier it will be for us to help you.
Our hardship team can also be contacted via phone on 1800 762 335, or via email on
Financial counselling services:
Should you want to speak with a financial counsellor regarding your finances, you can contact the national debt helpline, which is a free and independent financial counselling service.
National Debt Helpline:
Website -
Phone - 1800 007 007